Iteration II:  a map for getting lost

returning fabric prints into a shifting, decomposing ecosystem that dances with the wind,
map creates a communal altar for grief.

they center fragility, incompleteness, and negative space that open up into a practice of freedom.

as much as visual works, each piece is a performative object that sutures sacred spaces for gathering & remembering.

below are sample objects from the project:

Iteration I: a map for getting lost

(mixed media fabric prints, oaxaca, 2024)

photographs and poems, edge printed onto chiffon and manta, become porous guides of a space, 
changing with the day’s temparements, 
asking to be touched, felt, reshaped collaboratively. 

 the images combine earthen forms as entangled limbs, waters in consistency of change, 
as well as abstracted portraits of my queer families in Detroit who come together within a practice of building new life forms. 

the flowy texts incite principles, directives for claiming change, offering the participants talismans 
in the uncertain journey of abolition we must take on together.